knowledge of homoeopathy

HISTORY OF ORGANON The word ‘Organon’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Organum’, which means ‘instrument of knowledge’. The Organon of the Healing Art (Organon der rationellen Heilkunde) by Samuel Hahnemann was laid down in the year 1810 with the foundations of all theory and method of homeopathy. This work was repeatedly revised by Hahnemann and published in five editions by himself and one posthumously, with the name changed from the second edition onwards to “Organon of Medicine” (Organon der Heilkunst). Hahnemann wrote and published this book (in aphorisms) in order to share his new theory of medicine – “Homeopathy” with public and medical professionals of his time. An aphorism is an original thought, spoken or written in a laconic (concise) and memorable form. There is continuity and logical sequence of thoughts underlying the sections. Aphorism literally means a “distinction” or “definition”. In modern usage an aphorism is generally understood to be a concise statement containing a subjective truth or observation cleverly and pithily written. Hahnemann first experienced the effect of Peruvian Bark Cinchona in 1790, and then after six years, in 1796, he published an article under the title “Essay on a New Principle.” And, in 1805 he published an article ‘Medicine of Experience’. After conducting personal observation and experiment, Hahnemann collected his new theory of homeopathy into book form in 1810 This was the First Edition of organon and was published from Torgau with 271 Aphorisms. The title of the book was Organon Der Rationellen Heilkunde (Organon of Rational Art of Healing). Below the title of the book there was a small couplet from Gallert’s poem The Truth We Mortals Need Us Blest To make And Keep The All-Wise Slightly Covered Over But Did Not Bury Deep. In 1819, the second edition was published from Leipzig, with the revised title Organon Der Heilkunst(Organon of Healing Art). It contained 315 Aphorisms. The third edition was published in the year 1824. This issue was published from Kothen with 317 aphorisms and the title remained the same as of the second edition. The fourth edition was published in the year 1829. This issue was also published from Kothen with 292 aphorisms. The theory of chronic diseases was included in the organon for the first time in this edition. The fifth edition was published in the year 1833. This issue was also published from Kothen with 294 aphorisms. For the first time this issue included the doctrine of vital force and doctrine of drug-dynamization. The sixth edition was written in 1842, a year before his death. This edition was re-titled as Organon of Medicine. This was published in the year 1921 due to the efforts of William Boericke. This issue was written in Paris with 291 aphorisms. This edition was published after the death of Dr. Hahnemann. In this edition there are many significant changes. The term Vital Force was replaced by Vital Principle and a new scale for potentization, 50 Millesimal scale was introduced. Apart from this, there were changes in methods of preparation, administration and repetition of drugs.
In these aphorisms, it has been described, how the physician should ascertain what is necessary to be known in order to cure the disease. The description of diseases being divided into acute and chronic disease is outlined. Also the method of case-taking for an individualistic outlook is described.
§ 105 – 145
In these aphorisms, description as to how the physician can gain the knowledge of pathogenic powers of the medicine has been highlighted. Here he also gives the rules for proving the medicine upon the healthy human beings.
§ 146 – 285
In these aphorisms, What is the most suitable method of employing these artificial morbific agents (medicines) for the cure of natural disease has been highlighted.
§ 164 – 263
In these aphorisms, selection and mode of administration of remedies has been dealt with.
§ 264 – 285
In these aphorisms, homeopathic pharmacy and theory of drug dynamization is discussed. Here Dr. Hahnemann gives the rules for finding the similarity between the drugs and the disease; the choice and the repetition of the dose; the preparation of drugs; the diet and regimen to be followed.
§ 286-287
In these aphorisms, Magnetism and Electricity is described
§ 288-289
In these aphorisms, Mesmerism is dealt with
§ 290
In these aphorisms, Massage is dealt with
§ 291
In these aphorisms, Bath is dealt with
§ 280 – 291
Here Dr. Hahnemann discusses the utility of the therapeutic agents other than drugs.

Vital Homoeopathy